Saturday, March 12, 2011

some odds and ends....

I can't remember exactly how all the events went between July and the end of August when Jay decided he wanted us to try to get custody of him. So I'm just going to write about some random events that I can remember. I have pages and pages of text messages saved as screenshots and face book posts but they still need to be put in a better arrangement.  I think June or July was her first cleansing of the face book friends lists because she didn't know how we were looking at her page. It only took her 9 months and in my opinion, someone actually telling her that her wall was public, before she made it private. So I have LOTS of screenshots of crazy rantings.  Her typing almost makes your eyes bleed its so poorly written.  There is no semblance of the English language that I can see. The spelling is atrocious. The grammar is non-existent and the train of thought has long ago derailed. Yet it's like a car wreck, you just have to look. It's amazing how it can get continually stupider and more 'insain' For a while there was also the 'holy-roly-poly tranny hooker bible-thumping' posts. God, god, god, god. If you treat the people you supposedly love so much (her children) like that  Hell is where you'll be going. Fake preaching ain't getting you into Heaven honey. I do have to thank some of my friends, which will remain anonymous, for some of the funny phrases in which they have helped create....'holy-roly-poly tranny hooker' and 'skankapotamus' being a few of them. Mimi-Lord of the Trolls and Keeper to the Portal to Hell is pretty much all my creation. Actually she helped in it a little. She only allows her grandchildren to call her Mimi, she will yell at her granddaughter, who's almost 3, if she calls her Grandma. So naturally, Mimi makes me think of the Drew Carey Show. And she does bear a striking resemblance to Mimi Bobeck, well except that Mimi Bobeck can drive and has a job. That's where the trolls come in.  The Keeper to the Portal to Hell part, just fit her well. The only event I can remember happening over the summer without reading back through everything would be her evicting her daughter and grandkids from their apartment.  I can't remember what the fight was about, but she's 'building manager' or maybe the building owner's 'special assistant' either way she gets to control the building she lives in. There are 4 apartments, none of which have a heating system in them. But hey, you can heat safely with only space heaters and your oven right?  She lives in one apartment, uses another for storage, her estranged husband was the only one in the building paying rent for a while, but their situation is a story in itself, and then her daughter was staying in the 4th apartment over the summer until she could get moved.  At one point they got in a fight about something and she tells her daughter, get out, you are evicted. Grandkids too. Such a nice motherly thing to do :P

and onto Facebook we go....

She starts off with posting her status as 'CARRIE YOUNG CYPHERT JUST KIDNAPPED MY SON! WILL BE GONE A FEW DAYS BE BACK WHEN I CAN!'  Umm, if my kid were seriously kidnapped I don't think I would be planning on a weekend getaway. Actually I'm not sure I just typed that all correctly, I seem to have spelled everything right, that rarely happens on her posts. Needless to say at this point, we both blocked her and she blocked us.  I had logged on as Jay once and responded to the idiocy, signing my name at the end of my post. She was ranting something about us getting married on her birthday just to make her jealous. I replied, I didn't realize she had 2 birthdays, the 15th when we got married and the 17th the actual one. But that it would explain why she looked so much older than she really was. She also said that she continually tried to 'work' with Jason to resolve the situation. This never happened, all she would do is incessantly text me, so much stupid crap, jeez.  She also likes to harp on and on about respect, I really wish this woman had a dictionary, there are so many terms she has no idea what they mean, respect being one of them.  Respect to her is to do everything 100% her way, no ifs and or buts, regardless of whether you think her way is right, you just follow her orders. I think someone might have some control issues and I'm way to f'kn stubborn to give in to someone, especially someone behaving like a raging lunatic.Shortly after that I had to have her blocked from our phones.  So about 2 months later I get a text.  It's from her younger daughter's number. I recognized it because Jess had borrowed the phone for a little bit. I'm not sure if it was from one of her multiple insane personalities or she was just referring to herself in the third person.  It said 'Get a life ya dead beat and leave jess alone...Shes making up excuses as not to offend u...U will never replace her mother whore so give up and focus on trying 2 be a real mom 2 ur own daughter she may not hate you so much'  She managed to get 3 things wrong in such a short amount of words. Only part that was correct was when she called herself 'mother whore'.  First, she's calling me a deadbeat cause I'm not paying her support for my step-son. WTF?  When I asked Jess about this she had no idea what she was talking about.  I can't remember exactly what it was about, but it was something I was helping Jess out with, probably for school.  Third, my daughter doesn't hate me. She lives with my dad so she can finish high school going to Karns City. The next section of texts is where the multiple personalities show up. First I had replied with 'Too funny, you admitted you were a whore.' to which she answered 'Hahaha...I never said I was a whore but seems ur well known as 1 Lmfao..Just do urself a favor and stop tryin 2 come inbetween bec n her kids...Every1 is no seeing how unstable u r as a roll model...In tryin 2 make bec look bad ur only makin urself look bad 2 every1 Else hahahahahahahah'  Apparently she had a laughing fit at the end of it :P  I think I answered it pretty well with ' I don't have to make u look bad, you do a fine job of that yourself.  I've not said anything abt u to Jess since u 'made up' and now this number will be another number on the blocked list. Quit fucking harassing me, it's not my fault your life sucks and your kids can barely tolerate you. Grow the fuck up! Oh and you are wayyyyy past being a cheerleader you freaking fat old hag'  I have no idea why the voices in her head were telling her I was a whore, she has no friends other than them. And I'm not a whore, if I was known for anything in high school it was being a tease.   Jeez, get the facts straight Mimi.  She had frequently been referring to herself as a cheerleader up to this point. I'm not sure when she was a cheerleader, she was 37 at  the time, so I know it had been LONG ago. She had also been saying she had ALWAYS looked better in a short skirt than me, hmmm, yeah, midget legs always look better than long legs, right. My god she's delusional. So now we are to about mid-July, what fun will come later in the summer?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

kidnapping? really?

Things had been going along with the standard bit of insanity that's involved when you deal with trolls. In June that was about to change. She had once again began the rant of 'I want paid in cash!'  This made even more sense when she received support the weekends Jay wasn't there. You know, it's VERY important to get cash on Friday evening that is supposed to be used to support your son when he's gone for the weekend. The weekend of June 18, 2010, she went crazy.  I had taken her a check, it was almost 7 so she attempted to go to the bank with her estranged husband hauling her ass there and back to get it cashed. It was Jays' scheduled weekend with us but she said he wasn't to leave until she had her cash. Visitation is not subject to support, so this was an invalid point and I was not waiting there after making the hour drive to pick him up.  Before she could return from what she termed 'a wild goose chase' with the perfectly valid check for $100.00 for that portion of June's support, I left with Jay to return to our house.  About 10 minutes later I get a text "u took my son without my permission...u have 5 minutes to get me my money or him back here or I have u arrested 4 kidnapping I have the custody papers and text proving he was told NOT to go" Apparently she feels she is above the courts decision. And don't you just love how the 'my money' part comes before the 'my son' part. She did call the Vandergrift Police Department on me. They called my cell phone while we were still on our way back home. They asked about what had happened. I told them it was his scheduled weekend and she refused to let him go unless we gave her cash for support. They tried another approach, they said it's supposed to be a custodial exchange between the parents. I told them I had been providing the transportation for several months and that his father was at work and unable to accompany me. They then asked for my full name. When I gave them my first and last name, they said, oh, you are his stepmother, I have no idea who she told them kidnapped her son. The police then asked to talk to Jay, he told them the same thing, that it was his weekend to come and that there was no where in the custody agreement that said she had to be paid in cash.  The cops decided there was nothing illegal about what had happened and dropped the issue. She was still in the bat-shit crazy mode so of course it wasn't over..........and then it went to facebook.

and the insanity ensues....

Around March, I made the mistake of texting the Lord of the Trolls and asking something about Jessica. It wasn't anything major, I can't even remember what. In hindsight it was a huge mistake, she had my cell phone number :(  March 12, 2010 is the date on the many pages of printouts I have of text messages.  You never just get something simple and to the point from her, it's more like 8-10 paragraphs of rambling, incoherent, blatant abuse of the English language that to top it off, typically come out of order.  It's a very migraine inducing experience to read them.  To sum it up, what she kept trying to get to me believe was Jason was an ass, Jay was a bad kid and she wasn't a whore. She was 3 for 3 at being wrong, but she's not one to give in to the truth so she just kept texting and texting.......twice in the texting she suggested I call her if I wanted to talk about anything. Hmm, no, talking to a raving lunatic isn't really something I would like to do. I will admit, I did enjoy following the raving lunatic on facebook until she FINALLY realized her page was set to public. She had deleted about 500 people from her friends list altogether before someone must have clued her in on this. She kept thinking someone was spying on her for me from her friends list. Anyone that wasn't on her blocked list could see every insane thing she would post.

and into the future....

Up to this point I had only heard one thing about her, it was about 1990. I heard she was dating Jason. I remember thinking WTF? he must be really fucked up now. So fast forward to 2009.  I hadn't heard anything about Jason until that time either, which is weird considering for some of the years we had lived in the same town.  I saw he had posted on facebook and sent him a friend request a few days after Christmas.  He accepted and we started chatting.  He asked me out for New Year's Eve.  I accepted, I went to his house and we just hung out there. Neither of us were looking for a relationship, but by the end of the evening we knew it was inevitable. I went home that night, I came back to his house on the second of January and we've been together all but 2 nights since then.  At this time he had every other weekend visitation with Jay.  We would have to drive to Vandergrift pay the ransom money (child support) and pick up Jay every other weekend.  The Lord of the Trolls was not happy about this. Now she was getting child support paid by check, much easier to prove than having her sign a receipt or give her a money order that could easily be misplaced. The bank would have copies of the checks with her signature on them, date stamped when she cashed them.  The first check was dated January 15, the first threat of her going through Domestic Relations again was on January 19, 2009.  At this point it was an out of court agreement between them.  We never heard anything from Westmoreland County Domestic Relations, which is where she said she filed.  She later told Butler County Domestic Relations that she filed on January 19, 2009 but they couldn't do anything about the case because she didn't have Jason's address until he served her with the custody modification papers. This is another one of her many lies because in the text message she sent him saying she was at domestics and threatening to file for support, she asks if she had his address right, which she did. There are many parts to the domestics relations filing that make no sense.  Starting with, they have to actually schedule a hearing, no hearing was ever scheduled.  The second being, if she did file why did she continually threaten after receiving checks instead of cash to go to domestics the following Monday.  And third, why did she actually file in Butler County in September after getting the modification of custody papers if she already had a case open in Westmoreland County. Since she is a habitual liar, we will never know the real reasons behind anything she does.

Monday, March 7, 2011

In the beginning....

It started about 1985/6.  I was in 10th grade, so 15-16 years old. She was in 7th grade so 12-13 years old.  She didn't seem to have any friends and was kind of a little weird. I felt sorry for her so I would talk to her, until one of my friends pointed out she was never more than 15 feet from me. The creepy stalker thing wasn't really in style for at least 10 more years so I started to try to distance myself.  This wasn't very difficult because we were only at the same school for that one year. The following year I went to a different high school. Little did I know at the time that we were 'arch-rivals'. I was also unaware that we lived in a comic book world.  I'm not sure whether it was Gotham or Metropolis, maybe someone can find that out for me. I honestly can not think of anything that I ever envied about her or competed with her for. She was really nothing more to me than an amusing anecdote.